
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences


This book is a one of a kind book which aims at providing wholesome and exhaustive information about the topic of social and behavioral sciences. It is a very ambitious project since it is the first time all the social sciences have come together.



The International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, originally edited by Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, is a 26-volume work published by Elsevier. It has some 4,000 signed articles (commissioned by around 50 subject editors), and includes 150 biographical entries, 122,400 entries, and an extensive hierarchical subject index. It is also available in online editions. Contemporary Psychology described the work as “the largest corpus of knowledge about the social and behavioral sciences in existence.”[attribution needed] It was first published in 2001, with a 2nd edition published in 2015. The second edition is edited by James D. Wright.

Contents include the following broad Subject Classification.

Overarching Topics: Institutions and infrastructure, History of the social sciences and the behavioral sciences, Ethics of research and applications, Biographies, Integrative concepts and issues

Methodology: Statistics, Mathematics and computer sciences, Logic of inquiry and research design.

Disciplines: Anthropology, Demography, Economics, Education, History, Linguistics. Philosophy, Political science, Clinical psychology and applied psychology, Cognitive psychology and cognitive science, Developmental psychology, social psychology, personality psychology and motivational psychology, Sociology

Intersecting Fields: Evolutionary sciences, Genetics, behavior and society, Behavioral neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience, Psychiatry, Health, Gender studies, Religious studies, Expressive forms, Environmental sciences/ecological sciences, Science and technology studies, Area studies and international studies

Applications: Organizational studies and management studies, Media studies and commercial applications, Urban studies and Urban planning, Public policy, Modern cultural concerns

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